Bookcrossing > BC-Veranstaltungen und Treffen

English BookCrossing Meetup 3 November 2009

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The next English BookCrossing meetup will be on Tuesday, 3rd of November, 6.30pm at

Cafe Phönixhof
Neustiftgasse 55
1070 Wien

We are not all native English speakers, but we share a love for reading English books. We don't discuss any book in particular during these meetups. We just swap books, generally chat about books, literature, and also anything else that takes our fancy. Everyone is welcome to join us! You don't have to be a member of bookcrossing. We'll convince you ;-D

I have booked a table for 8/10 people.

Hope to see you there!

[Edit Sandwood: Added to the event calendar.]


--- Zitat von: marmite am 30. Oktober 2009, 12:43:19 ---The next English BookCrossing meetup will be on Tuesday, 3rd of November, 6.30pm at

[Edit Sandwood: Added to the event calendar.]

--- Ende Zitat ---

Great! Count me in :-)  What a coincidence, it's the only day I'll be able to join a meet-up in Vienna.   :deutsch:

i'll ebe there as well, but only for a quick visit, as i'm in the middle of a move and need to paint my apartment. But I also need to get rid of some books :-)

And I still have some labels left - German ones. They are self adhesive, size A7. Is anyone interested? 100 stück für 3 Euro.

I also have some sticky notes I ordered from the store and never used and some tiny stickers. In case anyone is interested, let me know and I'll bring them along.

See you on Tuesday and sorry for highjacking the thread for commercial purposes ;-)

vielleicht würde sich bluedanube aus dem anderen thread über die labels freuen?

Liebe verenka,

was auch immer du noch abgeben kannst, nehme ich gerne - schreib' mir einfach, wie viel du noch hast :). Vielen Dank und alles Liebe,



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